Thursday, April 16, 2009

How to Make a Vanilla Cake

by Kiana

Are you craving a slice of warm, sweet, and tasty vanilla cake. Are you having a brain fart when it comes to making it? If you are, you came to the right how to.

First, you need the ingredients. You need a medium bowl, vanilla cake mix, a spoon or mixer, a pan, oven, water, cooking spray, icing, sprinkles, eggs, and oil. These are the ingredients you will need to make the scrumptious cake.

Next, you pour the vanilla cake mix into a bowl from the box. Then you add 1 cup of water into the bowl. Be sure that you do not mix the cake mix at this point. You then crack 3 eggs into the mix. Add 1/3 cup of oil. Then you get a spoon or mixer. Mix the concoction until it is creamy and until there is no powder left.

Next, you spray cooking spray on your pan. After you do that, put the oven on 350 degrees F. When the oven gets hot enough, put the pan in the oven with the mix in the pan. Now wait 30 minutes. After 30 minutes put icing and enjoy a vanilla cake. To make it even better put sprinkles on the vanilla cake. YYYUUUMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!