Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Cheesy Quesadilla

by Alex G.

One day I got tired of the plain old peanut butter and jelly sandwich so I just switched to the cheesy quesadilla. Buckle up so I can tell you how to make this cheesy masterpiece!

Things you need:
1 soft taco shell
1 hand full of shredded cheese (taco cheese)
A plate and a microwave

As always, wash your hands first with soap and water. This way you are making sure your hands are clean before you work with the food.

First you place the soft taco shell on the plate. Make sure you are using a fresh soft taco shell.

Then you get a hand full of shredded cheese and drop it on the soft taco shell in the center.

Fold the soft taco shell with the cheese in it in half. It should be the shape of a half circle. Make sure you roll the soft taco shell slowly so the cheese does not fall out.

After that, you slide plate with the quesadilla in the microwave for 30 seconds.

When the microwave rings, take it out carefully. You may want to use a potholder because the plate might be hot.

Eat the quesadilla after it cools for about 30 seconds.

Now when your mom tells you that she is going to make your your lunch, you can say "don't make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, make me a Quesadilla!

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Terrific Instructions! Sounds Great.