Monday, March 17, 2008

How to be a Zookeeper by Geon

Did you know how to be a zookeeper? If you don't, well you have come to the right place, me. First you call your mom or dad to go in the Jacksonville Zoo to be a zookeeper.

Step 1 Feed the African elephants with some yellow hays. If the African elephant is sullen, bring him a mate.
Step 2 Take the elephant to a bath. He likes taking a bath in mud.
Step 3 Take a Baird's Tapir into the water but be careful because it might poop underwater.
Step 4 Baird's Tapir's eat vegetables so feed him.
Step 5 Get a broom to pick up the large poop or small poop if needed.
Step6 Feed the rhinoceros some hay. Be careful because rhinos can chase you!
Step 7 If a animal escapes at the zoo, grab your gun or weapon. Shoot the animal in the neck to make them sleep.
Step 8 If animals were sick, grab an animal medicine to make animals feel good.
Step 9 If camels or gemsbok are hungry, feed them large hays like zebras.
Step10 If a jaguar and lions are hungry, feed them some meat chow. They like the meat chow.
Step 11 If warthogs are hungry, feed them hay or vegetables.
Step 12 If the giraffes are hungry, feed them hay or green vegetables. If they are sick, feed them animal medicine to feel them better.
Step 13 Use a sleep gun to gun an escaped animal.
Step14 Feed the antelope green grass when they are hungry.
Step 15 Give monkeys bananas or vegetables to eat like bananas.
Step 16 Feed the sting rays some fish when there are hungry.
Step 17 Keep all people out of the cages. You can use and electric fence.
Step 18 Feed the foxes some small meat chow.
Step 19 Be sure to give theultures some meat. They will eat almost any kind of meat.
Step 20 Feed the capyhara some yellow hays.
Step21 Keep your zoo clean. No one likes a dirty zoo, not even the animals.
Step 22 Feed the anaconda some meat.
step 22 Take care of the baby animals when they are hungry and sick.
Step 23 If a seal other is sick, put it in the animal hospital.

That is how you can be a zookeeper. I hope you enjoy being a zookeeper. I know I would.