Monday, April 20, 2009

Yummy Tasty Ice Cream Cookies

by Ramon

Have you ever had yummy tasty ice cream cookie? If you haven't, you don't know what you are missing. I love it! It is the tastiest dessert ever made. Let me explain how you can make this yummy tasty treat.


cookies (any kind)

ice cream

whip cream





assorted toppings

First you need all of the ingrediants on the table or couter. Carefully put a plate on the counter. Place two cookies upside down on the plate side by side. Get the spoon and scoop up the ice cream. You can use any flavor of ice cream that you want.

Put the scoop of ice cream on one of the cookies. Then you place the other cookie on top of the ice cream. It may look like a ice cream sandwich.

Pour some toppings an an extra empty plate. Carefully roll the sandwich on its side on the plate of toppings. Be sure to coat all of the ice cream that is showing in between the two cookies.

Spoon some whip cream on top of the sandwich. If it is canned whip cream, you can squeeze it on top. Sprinkle the mini-marshmallows on top. Now you have a yummy tasty ice cream cookie that you can eat.

Enjoy your treat!