Monday, April 20, 2009

How to Make Choclate Chip Cookies


After a long day at school, I really like to have a nice snack. My grandmother knows how to make me feel much better. She treats me to some very delicious, home-made chocolate chip cookies. These really hit the spot!

To make this wonderful treat, you need a few items. First, you go buy chocolate chips. You can buy any kind of chocolate chips that you would like. They can be dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate and so on. It is whatever you are in the mood for. Next, you need to purchase the dough. It is found in the refrigerated section. They do have dough you can mix but it is easier to buy the premixed stuff.

Once you get home, take 2 cups of the chocolate chips and mix them in the dough. The mix will look lumpy yet creamy. This is okay because the lumps are the chocolate chips mixed with the dough.

You then roll the dough into balls. They should be about 1 inch in diameter. Be sure to have a cookie sheet ready. You need to spray Pam cooking spray one the cookie sheet. This helps prevent the cookies from sticking to the sheet.

Place the rolled dough on the cookie sheet. The oven temperature needs to be set on high. Then put the cookie sheet in the oven then put the oven for about 10 minutes. Then take them out and have some delicious chocolate chip cookies. This a great way to have a delicious snack at the end of the day!


1 package of dough.

2 cup of chocolate chips

Cookie Sheet

Cooking Spray
Oven Mitt