Monday, January 28, 2008

January 24, 2008

     Hi, I'm Kaylee from Mrs. Cowan's class.  We had a field trip to the zoo today. We went to get on the bus and then we got off the bus.  Then we went in the educational center. We saw opossum. It was very cute to me. It was gray with soft fur.   Also, we saw a turtle.  The turtle was a cute little turtle.  Then we saw a real live alligator.  It was a baby and it was so so so adorable.  After the alligator, we saw pine snake and it was very very long.  It could blend in with the leaves.  It was very light brown and dark brown.  
     After the education center, we went to eat a picnic lunch in the play area.  It is an area where you can eat lunch and it was fun.  Next, we went to pay to get in side the zoo.   Then we got on the train.  My mom and dad and Desirae rode with me.  
     After we got off the train, we got to walk around.  My dad sat by me so we saw the alligator and giraffe.  Then we saw the elephant.  It was so big it is gray and it had big ears and it has a long tail.  Then we played in the new kids play area.  That was a blast!  Finally, we went back to school.